[행사안내] 2013년 제1회 지역경제포럼 안내
페이지 정보
작성자 지역개발연구소 작성일13-07-19 04:42 조회2,165회관련링크
지역개발연구소에서는 2013년 제1회 지역경제포럼을 아래와 같이 개최하오니, 관심있는 분들의 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.
□ 주 제 : 광주전남 중소조선산업의 경쟁력 제고 방안
□ 일 시 : 2013년 7월 24일(수) 오후 3시~8시,
□ 장 소 : 한국은행 광주전남본부 회의실(3층)
□ 주 최 : 한국은행 광주전남본부, 전남대 지역개발연구소
□ 발 표 : 경남대학교 조선해양IT공학과 유남현 교수
(주제) □ 토 론
전남대 지역개발연구소 - 이상호 교수
목포해양대 - 조대환 교수
전남도청 - 박병훈 사무관
중소조선연구원 - 손창련 서남권 본부장
중소조선업체 - 신신마린 박원창 대표
src="http://crd.jnu.ac.kr/data/editor/1607/" />
Organized by
Center for Regional Development, Chonnam National University
Sponsored by
Chonnam National University
College of Business Administration, Chonnam National University
BK21+ Graduate Program for Department of Economics
2014 EAES Symposium Program
-Date: Friday, October 31, 2014
-Place: BA Building#2- Choi Sangjun Hall,
College of Business Administration, Chonnam National University
pm 2:00 - pm 2:20: Welcoming Speech
Director of Center for Regional Development
Prof. Sang-Ho Lee
Congratulatory Speech
Head, Office of Research Affairs
Prof. Jangsun Beak
Dean, College of Business Administration
Chonnam National University, Korea
Prof. Duk-Sup Shim
Guest Speech
Vice Dean , Saga University, Japan
Prof. Nakamura Hirokazu
Kasetsart University, Thailand
Prof. Rewat Thamma-Apiroam
Director of CEDA, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Prof. Ram Chandra Dhakal
Session #1 Prof. Sang-Ho Lee (Korea)>,>
- 30’ Presentation, 10’ Discussion
2:20 - 3:00 | “Contribution of Tourism and IT Services for the Economy of Nepal”
- Presenter: Prof. Ramesh C. Chitrakar (Tribhuvan University, Nepal)
- Discussant: Prof. Rewat Thama-Apiroam (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
3:00 - 3:40
| “Technical Cooperation and its Effects on the Sustainability of SMEs: A Survey on East Asia”
- Presenter: Prof. Kameyama Yoshihiro (Saga University, Japan)
- Discussant: Prof. Jumong Na (Chonnam National University, Korea)
pm 3:40 - pm 4:00 : Coffee Break
Session #2 Prof. Sang-Ho Lee (Korea)>,>
4:00 - 4:40
| “An Approach for OTOP Development in the North Eastern Region of Thailand”
- Presenter: Prof. Rewat Thamma-Apiroam and Prof. Sommai Udomwitid (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
- Discussant: Prof. Nakanishi Makoto (Saga University, Japan)
4:40 – 5:20
| “Regional Currency Settlements in East Asia: Risks and Tasks for Korea”
- Presenter: Prof. In Heo (Chonnam National University, Korea)
- Discussant: Prof. Durga Lal Shrestha (Tribhuvan University, Nepal)
pm 5:20 - pm 5:30 : Closing Speech
pm 5:30 - pm 6:00 : Annual Committee Meeting (Japan, Thailand, Korea)
pm 6:00 - : Reception
2014 EAES Participants
Country | Presenter/Discussant | Name |
(Saga University)
| Vice Dean, Nakamura Hirokazu
| Kameyama Yoshihiro
| |
| Nakanishi Makoto
| |
| Piyadasa Ratnayake
| |
| Ito Masaya
| |
| Ueyama Kazutoshi
| |
(Kasetsart University)
| Presenter
| Sommai Udomwitid
| Rewat Thamma-Apiroam
| |
(Tribhuvan University)