[지역개발연구소] 제13회 세계인권도시포럼 특별세션(논문세션) 개최
페이지 정보
작성자 지역개발연구소 작성일23-09-25 14:12 조회657회첨부파일
광주광역시와 유네스코, 유엔 인권최고대표사무소, 국가인권위원회, 광주광역시 교육청이 공동주최하는 제13회 세계인권도시포럼의 특별세션(논문세션)이 아래와 같이 개최됩니다.
Inclusive Cities and Human Rights
Sub-themes: undocumented migrants, access to services (e.g. energy, healthcare), climate justice, the role of the third sector, persons with disabilities, minority groups, measurement of urban inclusivity
-일시: 2023.10.05 (09:00-12:00)
-장소: 김대중컨벤션센터 212-213호
-주제: Inclusive Cities and Human Rights
Sub-themes: undocumented migrants, access to services (e.g. energy, healthcare), climate justice, the role of the third sector, persons with disabilities, minority groups, measurement of urban inclusivity
-주최: 광주광역시, 유네스코, 유엔 인권최고대표사무소, 국가인권위원회, 광주광역시교육청
-주관: 전남대학교 지역개발연구소, 광주국제교류센터, 세계지방정부연합 사회통합참여민주주의인권위원회, 라울발렌베리인권연구소
-후원: 교육부, 외교부, 법무부, 문화체육관광부, 한국관광공사, 광주관광재단
The Chonnam National University Center for Regional Development,the International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels under the auspices of UNESCO,the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security,University of Graz,and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law are co-hosting a special session titled “Human Rights Paper Session” as a part of the 13th World Human Rights Cities Forum (WHRCF), being held in Gwangju, South Korea from the 4th to the 7th of October, 2023.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Extended Deadline July 28, 2023
Acceptance notification August 1, 2023
Paper Submission Deadline September 15, 2023
Presentation Material Submission Deadline September 31, 2023
Paper Presentation at the 13th WHRCF October 5, 2023
09:30-11:30 KST