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[행사안내] 제4회 한중국제심포지움 개최 안내

페이지 정보

작성자 지역개발연구소 작성일09-12-03 01:46 조회1,941회


저희 연구소에서는 오는 12월 4일(목) 오후 1시 30분부터 경영대학 2호관 제1회의실에서 제4회 한중국제심포지움 "On the Sustainable Economic Development"를 중국 후단대학과 공동으로 개최합니다.

많은 분들이 관심을 가져주시고 참석을 해주시길 바라겠습니다.

제4회 한중국제심포지움의 개요와 내용은 아래와 같습니다.



제4회 한중국제심포지움

"On the Sustainable Economic Development"


● 일      시 : 2009년 12월 4일 (금) 13:30~17:30

● 장      소 : 전남대학교 경영대학 2호관 제1회의실 (2호관 202호)

● 주      최 : 전남대학교 지역개발연구소, 중국 후단대학교 중국경제연구소

● 주제발표

   Session #1

     - 14:00 ~ 14:30 : "Sustainable Fiscal Policy and Regime Changes: Evidence from Selected Industrial Countries" (Prof. Seewon Kim, Department of Economics, CNU)

     - 14:30 ~ 15:00 : "Heterogeneous Social Networks in A Transitional Economy: Rural Migrant Workers in Urban Labor Market of China Market" (Prof. Zhang Yuan, Fudan University)

     - 15:00 ~ 15:30 : "Industry Mobility and Regional Divergence: Evidence for China" (Dr. Wu Jianfeng, Fudan University)

     - 15:30 ~ 15:50 : Coffee Break

   Session #2

     - 15:50 ~ 16:20 : "Impact of Oil Price Shocks on Bioethanol and Feedstock Market" (Prof. Jung-Hwan Bae, Department of Economics, CNU) 

     - 16:20 ~ 16:50 : "Open Economy and Optimal Privatization in Mixed Market" (Prof. Sangho Lee, Department of Economics, CNU)

     - 16:50 ~ 17:20 : "Tying in Two-sided Markets" (Dr. Li Ting, Fudan University)

● 문의

     - 전남대학교 지역개발연구소

     - 500-757, 광주광역시 북구 용봉동300 경영대학 1호관 312호

     - TEL : 062-530-1428

     - FAX : 062-530-0429

     - Homepage : http://crd.jnu.ac.kr/

     - Email : crd@jnu.ac.kr

src="http://crd.jnu.ac.kr/data/editor/1607/" />






Organized by


Center for Regional Development, Chonnam National University






Sponsored by


Chonnam National University


College of Business Administration, Chonnam National University


BK21+ Graduate Program for Department of Economics






2014 EAES Symposium Program




-Date: Friday, October 31, 2014


-Place: BA Building#2- Choi Sangjun Hall,


College of Business Administration, Chonnam National University






pm 2:00 - pm 2:20: Welcoming Speech


Director of Center for Regional Development


Prof. Sang-Ho Lee


Congratulatory Speech


                 Head, Office of Research Affairs


Prof. Jangsun Beak


Dean, College of Business Administration


Chonnam National University, Korea


Prof. Duk-Sup Shim


Guest Speech


Vice Dean , Saga University, Japan


Prof. Nakamura Hirokazu




Kasetsart University, Thailand


Prof. Rewat Thamma-Apiroam




Director of CEDA, Tribhuvan University, Nepal


Prof. Ram Chandra Dhakal












Session #1 Prof. Sang-Ho Lee (Korea)>,>


- 30’ Presentation, 10’ Discussion


2:20 - 3:00

Contribution of Tourism and IT Services for the Economy of Nepal


-         Presenter: Prof. Ramesh C. Chitrakar (Tribhuvan University, Nepal)


-         Discussant: Prof. Rewat Thama-Apiroam (Kasetsart University, Thailand)


3:00 - 3:40


Technical Cooperation and its Effects on the Sustainability of SMEs: A Survey on East Asia


-         Presenter: Prof. Kameyama Yoshihiro (Saga University, Japan)


-         Discussant: Prof. Jumong Na (Chonnam National University, Korea)




pm 3:40 - pm 4:00 : Coffee Break




Session #2 Prof. Sang-Ho Lee (Korea)>,>


4:00 - 4:40


An Approach for OTOP Development in the North Eastern Region of Thailand


-         Presenter: Prof. Rewat Thamma-Apiroam and Prof. Sommai Udomwitid (Kasetsart University, Thailand)


-         Discussant: Prof. Nakanishi Makoto (Saga University, Japan)


4:40 – 5:20


“Regional Currency Settlements in East Asia: Risks and Tasks for Korea”


-         Presenter: Prof. In Heo (Chonnam National University, Korea)


-         Discussant: Prof. Durga Lal Shrestha (Tribhuvan University, Nepal)




pm 5:20 - pm 5:30 : Closing Speech


pm 5:30 - pm 6:00 : Annual Committee Meeting (Japan, Thailand, Korea)


pm 6:00 -         : Reception    


2014 EAES Participants









(Saga University)




Vice Dean, Nakamura Hirokazu




Kameyama Yoshihiro




Nakanishi Makoto




Piyadasa Ratnayake




Ito Masaya




Ueyama Kazutoshi




(Kasetsart University)




Sommai Udomwitid




Rewat Thamma-Apiroam




(Tribhuvan University)




Executive Director, Ram Chandra Dhakal




Ramesh C. Chitrakar




Durga Lal Shrestha




Ram Kumar Phuyal




(Chonnam National University)


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