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제9차 중한 국제학술심포지움 (2014.04.24.)

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작성자 지역개발연구소 작성일15-06-25 19:22 조회1,140회


제9차 중한 국제학술심포지움

● 장소: 중국 후단대학교 경제학원 714호
● 일시: 2014년 4월 24일
● 주제: Working on Market Economy

- In Huh (Chonnam National University)
  "Responses of Korean Financial Market to North Korea Nuclear Risks"
- Chen Zhao (China Center for Economic Studies, Fudan University)
  "Comparative Advantage and the Effects of Place-Based Policies: Evidence from China’s Export Processing Zones"
- Sang-Ho Lee (Chonnam National University)
  "Strategic Privatization with Tariffs and Emission Taxes in an International Mixed"
- Qi Zhang (China Center for Economic Studies, Fudan University)
  "The Political Logic of Partial Reform of China's State-owned Enterprises"
- Chanyoung Lee (Chonnam National University)
  "The effect of early career decision on the labor market outcomes in Korea"

제9차 중한 국제학술심포지움

이용약관 개인정보취급방침
61186 광주광역시 북구 용봉로 77 (용봉동) 전남대학교 경영대학1호관 312호     Tel : 062-530-1428     Fax : 062-530-0429
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