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제6차 한중 국제학술심포지움 (2011.10.06.)

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작성자 지역개발연구소 작성일15-06-25 18:34 조회1,213회


제6차 한중 국제학술심포지움

● 장소: 전남대학교 경영대학 2호관 202호, 교수회의실
● 일시: 2011년 10월 6일
● 주제: Special Issues in Economics and Management
- Prof. Hyunho Kim (Chonnam National University, Korea)
  "The Cubic Form Hypothesis and the Flying Geese Pattern Hypothesis of Income Distribution: The Case of Korea"
- Prof. Zhan Yubo (China Center for Economic Studies, Fudan University, China)
  "Voting with Hands or Feet?-Wage Determination in China’s Manufacturing Enterprises"
- Prof. Zhang Qi (China Center for Economic Studies, Fudan University, China)
  "Information Disclosure, Resource Capture, and Collective Resistance: A Field Lab Game in an Authoritarian Setting"
- Presenter: Prof. See-won Kim (Chonnam National University, Korea) and Doo-yull Choi (Korea University of Technology & Education, Korea)
  "Current Account Adjustments of G-4 Countries"
- Prof. Changgon Choi (Chonbuk National University, Korea)
  "Determinants of Employment Effect of Economic Growth"
- Prof. Xu Xiaoyin (Fudan University, China) 
  "Study on Influencing Factors of the Utilization of Medical Financial Assistance to Female Citizens in Shanghai"

제6차 한중 국제학술심포지움

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61186 광주광역시 북구 용봉로 77 (용봉동) 전남대학교 경영대학1호관 312호     Tel : 062-530-1428     Fax : 062-530-0429
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